Leather watch strap care can be tiresome at times, but it’ll all be worth it in the end. Read on to find out how to care for your leather watch strap.

Cleaning a Leather Watch Strap

If your watch strap has an odor that does not seem to go away, it is time to follow these steps to clean it safely. First, remove the leather strap from the watch and wipe off any easily removable dirt using a dry microfiber cloth. This makes sure that trapped dirt does not scratch the leather as you clean it. Secondly, get a damp jewelry cloth and use a small drop of mild and gentle hand soap to gently clean the strap. Remember to use light tapping motions and gentle rub circles into the strap. Make sure to pay more attention to parts that seem dirtier than the rest. Thirdly, get another clean damp cloth and wipe the soap off the strap. Be careful not to use too much water as this could cause water damage to your strap. Once you’re done, leave your leather strap to dry completely and apply leather oil to protect it until the next wash.

When Your Leather Watch Strap Gets Wet

Don’t worry, it happens. If you accidentally spilled a glass of water onto your watch or turned the tap on a little too strong when you wash your hands, don’t panic. Immediately brush off the water. Find an absorbent and soft cloth (microfiber is recommended) and pat the strap dry. Leave your watch out to dry, but never use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process! This could damage your watch even further. To protect your watch strap, apply a leather protectant.

When Your Leather Watch Strap Smells

When you use a watch with a leather strap daily, it is bound to pick up some odors. The pores in your leather strap can easily trap odors, especially if you’re the kind of person who sweats a lot. The only way to help this issue is to let it breathe. Avoid wearing your watch all day long and consider taking it out at night to sleep and when you take a shower. If you already do this, you can also consider cleaning your strap regularly by wiping it with a damp cloth and leaving it to dry completely before wearing it again.

When Your Leather Watch Strap Is Stiff

If you find that your leather watch strap is a bit too stiff for your liking, don’t worry. With time, the oils and warmth from your wrist will soften it, making it a lot more comfortable to wear when you’re heading out for long days outside. However, if you can’t wait that long, you can always use a leather conditioner or oil to soften your watch strap. However, be careful not to do so too regularly, as this can cause more harm than good in the long run. Not only will this help you to make your leather watch strap nice and soft, but it can also prevent cracks from appearing in the leather, which is a great benefit! You should take note that leather oil may darken the color of the leather slightly, so make sure you read the instructions carefully and test it out on a small spot on your watch before you commit to the entire thing.